Friday, December 14, 2012

farmers market

Happy Valley Farmers Market at the Riverwoods!
It has been successful for just getting started and only having gone 2 weekends. Getting the word out and letting people try our cheese is the best. Boys' Pants Rebellion is our #1 seller with Oolite Red a close second. Lots of fun and we are getting really good reviews, most everyone who tries it is in love. "I took it home and had my nieces try it. It was gone within an hour. They ate it all and they are only 7 years old!"

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

locals' love #2:

Breaking News: 2 brothers came to buy some cheese last night. They have known us since we moved in and are the folks who will be historically fixing our home and they have been anxious to try the cheese. I told them it was ready and they came over and began sampling What's Her Name. "Ok we want a half a pound of that one" So I then had them try the new Red Bleu and they loved it so then it went to "Ok half a pound of that one too. Wait just give us $20 worth," as they went on back and forth and the flavors still lingered in their mouths.."Ok just do $25 worth, but I do want to try the Oolite Bleu" In the end they took a small sample of Oolite Bleu and had to end with what was left in their wallets.. "Let's get $30 worth of both". It is always fun to watch people try it for the first time and see how as the flavors still stay with them and the need for the cheese grows..

Monday, November 12, 2012

sending samples

Got the cheese wrapped & prepared for shipping and hand delivering to Caputo's Deli-Liberty Heights Fresh-Whole Foods-Harmon's-Old Vine-Rooster PM-A Market and Others! Hopefully the all like what we have made and start ordering SOON!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

cheese is ready

           First 3 cheeses available for purchase. Check out the website and order today!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Locals' Love #1

I am glad Joel convinced me to paint another sign but with our phone number on it. Not only do we have many people walking up to see the shop but several have called for tours or to buy cheese as well. What we are finding is that even thought the price scares people initially, once they are inside and hear the story they start to warm up to the idea. But once that cheese hits their tongue and they can taste what we are talking about they are hooked. Most reactions are very similar but I had a cute old couple come in and this is their story:
Sold more What's Her Name to the locals this week. It's fun getting phone calls and folks wanting to come in a see what the shop looks like, how we make cheese and sample it. Once the price comes up tho.... $32/lb. ($20 for locals) they politely start for the door. "That's an expensive toast and melted cheese mother." to which I stated, "Yeah, it's more for savoring and nibbling on." Wait for it... "Man, you could really get used to that." I reply "yes you can, that is our goal, to get everyone addicted to it." They laughed as we continued out to their car and when he turns to his wife, "Maybe we need half a pound." Fun times, cute old couple. Best part- I love that he calls her mother and she calls him daddy. reminds me of my grand parents.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

our first sale!

We really weren't expecting to sell cheese today but this great little family was walking by and called for a tour. 10 adults and several kids. We told them they could choose between either the free tour or the $1/person tour which included cheese samples. They of course wanted to sample cheese so we took them in and it lasted about 30 minutes, we got to use the posters we made and they got to see everything from the frozen bags of milk to the rotting bleuy goodness. They sampled What's Her Name and fell in love. They all pulled out their wallets and came up with the $32 price tag. It was a great day for Joel and I.
"Hi Rachel & Joel, I just wanted to thank you for the tour your gave our family of your up and coming cheese shop. We enjoyed your story and of course your wonderful cheese! Thank you for allowing us to be your first customers! Attached are the photos of your first sale! Congratulations on following your hearts and making your dreams come true! Hope to stop by your cheese shop next time we are in town, but until then...happy cheese making! Sincerely, The Nichols' Family"

Monday, September 24, 2012

first tour to the shop

Ephriam Middle School was the first to sign up for tours. The Home Ec. class came and we all had a great time. The kids seemed to be excited over the prospects of having a world famous cheese company in their midst.
Each tour lasted 20 minutes, 10 with me outside talking about the sheep and 10 with Joel talking about the cheese making process and smelling the aging room.. many a kid ran out plugging their noses.
I was fun having the bus come and drop off new kids, they really were excited to be there and had a great time visiting us (being out of class).
The best part was at the end. They each got some goodies but we did offer some 9 month old Oolite Bleu Cheese. Many didn't dare but a few did and this was basically the reaction from most... some did like it though!
Dear Rachel, Thank you so much for the tour and the great goodies. What a wonderful opportunity for my students. It was a great presentation! I would love to come again in the spring. Call me when you can take us again. I should have about 60 students. Did all go well on your end? Were the students respectful? I hope so. The comments and conversations on the way home indicated that they learned a lot. Thank you so much. Jeanne

Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

hey cheese!

What's Her Name looks pretty- this is her getting ready to meet tourists and those wanting to buy some cheese. The bleu's have taken on life of their own! We used the same recipe but they are all turning out differently than what we have seen in the past.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

starting to fill the aging room

First several batches down, only a few more to go. Since we use sheep milk it is seasonal and once the ladies stop producing milk we are done making cheese til spring.
What's Her Name is aging nicely. She has a balsamic vinegar wash & salt rub every few weeks. We girls like being pampered!
As you can see the Oolite stone mingling in with the fresh bleu cheese curd in order to start the bacterial growing. It's a lot of work for that one little stone to do but he can do it!

Friday, August 10, 2012

making cheese.

Making cheese for the first time was quite the experience. We have been making cheese for about 5 years now and it usually takes 4-5 hours. Using our cheese shop for the first time was unique in the sense that it took 16 hours. What a day! We had to work out all the kinks that come along with working in a new environment and with new equipment. Since that first crazy day our cheese making skills have improved and we are now back to our usual 4-5 hour makes. How exciting!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

ribbon cutting ceremony

JULY 24, 2012

Over 60 people from the community show up in support of our cause.
Joel said a few words and thanked all those for coming.
Over all a very successful party- food, cheese & community.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

building is up.

It took 3 months and a lot of hard work but our 
building was finally finished just in time 
for the ribbon cutting ceremony.

Me and the girls painting trim.
Builders putting up the final custom made corner piece.  
Let's make some cheese!